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  • Gradle 7 or higher
    • Koremods Gradle is built for this version of Gradle
    • Koremods Script uses Gradle Module Metadata and variant aware matching to manage its dependencies, supported since Gradle 6.
  • An IDE of your choice
    • We recommend IntelliJ IDEA for the best experience thanks to its awesome Gradle and Kotlin integration.

Gradle setup

Apply the Koremods Gradle plugin

First, add the Garden of Fancy releases maven repository to your plugin repositories. We also provide 2 additional repositories for unstable versions. However, using them is not recommended, and you should only do so at your own risk.

  • Garden of Fancy Snapshots:
  • Garden of Fancy Bleeding:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
name 'Garden of Fancy'
url ''

Then, apply the plugin using the Plugins DSL:

plugins {
id 'wtf.gofancy.koremods.gradle' version '<version>'

Add the Koremods dependency

The koremods gradle configuration contains frontend dependencies used for the script compilation classpath. To add the Koremods Modlauncher frontend to your environment, simply declare a dependency on it.

Koremods takes advantage of Gradle variants to add required dependencies to the compile classpath and enable syntax highlighting in koremods scripts. No additional runtime dependencies are added, as those are bundled inside the main jar.

repositories {
maven {
name 'Garden of Fancy'
url ''

dependencies {
koremods group: 'wtf.gofancy.koremods', name: 'koremods-modlauncher', version: '<version>'

With the dependencies installed, you can now proceed to configuring the script pack and runtime.